Spiritual Formation
At St. Victor School, we prioritize our Catholic identity by coming together as a community for Masses and prayer services. Starting in Kindergarten, each class attends Mass on a weekly basis and receives daily religion & ethics classes.
Our students also participate in Reconciliation during Lent and prepare for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion in second grade.
Additionally, we engage in daily prayers and annual retreats. While we prioritize our Catholic identity, we welcome members of all faiths to join our community. We believe in fostering an inclusive environment where everyone can feel welcome and valued.

At St. Victor School, there is a focus on fostering a sense of unity among students. To achieve this, the Student Council organizes school assemblies on Thursdays and special occasions. These assemblies typically begin with prayers, the pledge to the flag, and our school pledge. Assemblies serve various purposes, such as:
Welcoming new students
Acknowledging student accomplishments
Celebrating birthdays
Preparing for school liturgies
Sharing important information
Promoting school activities.
During these assemblies, we also take the opportunity to educate and celebrate our students on different cultural celebrations as part of our commitment to creating a welcoming and inclusive community. This aligns with our DE&I goals and helps to promote cultural awareness and understanding among students.
Performing & Visual Arts
Students enjoy music and art classes (Grades 4-8) once a week. ​ All students perform for the annual Christmas and Spring Sing concerts. An art show presenting the best of students’ creations is held at the Spring Sing.
The choir, made up of students from grades 4-8, leads the school in liturgies and participates every year in the Diocesan Elementary School Choral Festival.

Learning Showcases
In our mission to educate the whole child, St. Victor School offers and participates in a diverse set of competitive events and learning showcases each year. These include the:
American Achievement
Diocesan Choral Festival
Envision Explorer STEM Summer Program
Geography Bee
Johns Hopkins Talent Search
Poetry contests
Science Fair
Scripps Spelling Bee
WordMasters Challenge
Young Authors Fair.
Students gain additional knowledge and skills as they are challenged to perform and excel. An experienced panel for each of these events can offer participants useful feedback for self-improvement to grow further. Schoolwide participation in these events demonstrates how well a discipline is integrated into our school programs and culture.
Student Council
The Student Council meets weekly and guides the student body in some of the service projects. In addition, the Student Council leads the school in prayer, promotes school spirit, maintains the ecology program, and keeps students informed of school news.
Students in grades 4-7 elect students from grades 5-7 as “Commissioners” to serve on Student Council for the next school year. Class Representatives are selected and/or elected from grades 4-8 of the current year. The purpose of the Student Council shall be to serve as positive role models, to demonstrate good leadership, and to develop school spirit.